Ancestral Coffees Story
Ancestral Coffees is based in New York, was born from the hand of a familiar business and small coffee growers; Our task is to go through the different regions of Colombia looking for microlots of Colombian coffee on small farms. We like to focus on growers who do not have large areas of land, in order to give them the opportunity to sell their product under the Ancestral Coffees brand.
Our main objective is to strengthen opportunities for small growers who are just starting out and are not recognized, but who have excellent Colombian coffee.

single origin
Low acidit

To guarantee you a fresh and high quality coffee, Ancestrales Coffees imports Colombian coffee in green beans, roasted weekly according to the orders received so that you can enjoy a fresh and delicious cup of Colombian coffee.
Ancestral Coffee is made with 100% Arabica coffee beans, our coffee is of high quality, we grow it in the best region of Colombia. We roast once you place an order, so you can enjoy a fresh and delicious cup of coffee.
A selection of the best micro-lots from Risaralda, Colombia , whose crops are located above 1,800 MASL. to get a coffee of a unique origin and high quality, directly from the tree to your cup.
Ancestral Coffee is a 100% hand-picked, hand-washed, sun dry coffee, grown on a rich volcanic soil ideal to obtain a gourmet coffee with a rich flavor and aroma.
Our products include: whole and ground coffee beans, medium roasts, dark, organic, decaffeinated, k cups and special coffees like Bourbon, Honey, Rum and others.

ancestral process
Wonderful stories are hidden behind every cup of coffee. It does not matter if you tell them or listen to them or if you are a producer, roaster, barista or consumer, the truth is that the varieties of coffee will always play an important role in the flavor of this drink. Robusta and Arabica are the coffees that flood the world market. In Colombia, in particular, only Arabica coffee is grown, which produces a soft drink that is more widely accepted and has a better price. The coffee zone of the country is distributed in more than 580 municipalities and 20 departments, which are characterized by their different thermal floors that give the grain a unique flavor. This is how crops can be found throughout the territory in places such as the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Eje Cafetero, Tolima, Huila, Santander, Nariño, Boyacá, Casanare, among others. Regardless of the variety of coffee, remember that: An excellent cup full of flavors and aromas is achieved through the sum of several processes and the hard work of the different actors that participate in the value chain.